Many posts have been written on how to increase your pageviews or visits. But there is a difference between visitors and readers. After...
Impressions, Hits, Page views, Uniques ?? - Website/blog Traffic Terms
If you are having a blog you must have surely heard of these terms. You may have browsed some forum in which webmasters saying that my ...
How to create custom 404 error (page not found error) page for blogger
What is 404 Error (page not found error) According to wikipedia ? The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response c...
What are Meta Tags and their use in SEO
Meta Tags are the HTML tags that are inserted inside the head tag and provide meta data(name, keywords, description, author etc.) to t...
Tips on choosing a good domain name for your Blog.
Before you start a blog the most important things you decide about your blog are blog title, niche and domain name. Then comes other th...
How To Add a facebook like button in your blog
If you want your blog to be more active socially on facebook your blog must have a facebook follow button in your blog. It is very much...
What is Google pagerank?
The Google pagerank link analysis algorithm that tells the status of a web page. In other words it tells us how much a web page is popu...
100 Free SEO Tools
Here is a huge list of seo tools provided by and all for free! All the tools are good and they actually work. And I person...